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Category Archives: Business Operating Services
It is expected that every business within the AyDA’s jurisdiction obtains a Business Operation Permit.
As the name sounds, a Business operating permit is a license that enables you to undertake/do business in the District of Ayensuano.
In order to fast track the process of acquiring a business Operating Permit and do business with ease within the District, the Assembly has put the following measures in place;
Checklist For Processing A Business Operating Permit
Produce Registrar General Business Certificate/Certificate Of Incorporation
Name of Business
Name of Business Owner
Business Location (GPS location)/Address
Contact Detail.
Temporary Permit
An applicant receives a Temporary permit that last for 90 days immediately after producing the above requirement.
During this period, the Assembly does its due diligence, background checks and processing in order to generate a Permanent permit for the Applicant.
The Internal process include the following steps tabled below;