Hon. Josephine InkoomDist. Chief ExecutiveMr. Siibu Imoro BraimahDist. Coord DirectorMr. Fiifi AmakyeDist. Finance OfficerMr. Clifford AsareAgric DirectorMr. Enoch LarbiHuman Resource ManagerMr. Fredrick GbagbaDist. Works and EngineerMr. Rexford ArthurPlanningMr. Daniel Abeka KondohInternal Auditor Mr. Eric AmankwahAsst. Director IMr. Francis AdjarteyHead of Social WelfareMr. Edward DonkorHead of ProcurementMr. Samuel AhiagbedeHead of Env. HealthMr. Eric Kobina WoodeHead of BudgetMr. Benard DonkorHead of Physical PlanningMr. Justice MarfohHead of Statistic Unit Mr. AduNADMO Coordinator